Sweetwater : Our Trip to the Sugarbush

What a great time we had here, sorry if it’s too Canadian, eh?
I first thought, ‘well this will be neat for the kids’. I didn’t realize how interesting and fun it would be for them! A short informative tour showcasing modern-day sap collection with hoses and taps compared to the old fashioned way you may be more familiar with…buckets on a tree (I know that’s what I was picturing!)
Homeschool : Where You Can Hit Your Students With Bats

I came here to smash you with a bat and feed some geese and I’m all out of birdseed…Strange Math Was Afoot –
Usually when by the river in London, two geese plus birdseed…
Dam Fun. Dad & Son.

Our second T-shirt day of the season – our first was a month or so ago. (Let’s get with Spring, ammiright?) The great part this time was the high winds. Strangely enough, he seemed to benefit from the wind BOTH ways! When does THAT happen? Sure we have adventures that are enjoyable for both kids, […]
Same Place, Different Discoveries

Our plan was to climb ‘Big Hilly Climby’ and go for a scooter ride through the forest – well, at least if I was making a lesson plan for the day, it would have only had those two bullet points.
A Week of Unschooling : Episode 1 – Mythology, Health & Fitness, Physics, Writing, and Biology

In our introductory weekly episode, the three and five year old visited a skatepark, play-drew Greek Mythology, and they experienced a variety of cutting tools that so far only dad and mom have been using.
There are many ways kids can learn but fun is always better. Let them play; when you’ve shown them how fun knowledge can be, what’s stopping them?
When One Kid Is Done Exploring and One Isn’t

So clearly I couldn’t leave one kid on the bench on the bike path and continue on another adventure trail into the woods with the other one. So what’s a dad to do?
There’s a whole bunch of sticks to slow him down…send him into the woods (which you know look a whole lot bigger to him)
This was an exciting opportunity for me to just send him off to be alone on his own. (I could always hear him and could see him from time to time)
But if you look in the video, you can see
There Are More Advantages to Pop Research than Pop Quizzes.

Here’s a nice little gem we found on our way to mom’s work, a lake surrounded by trees and a walking path, nestled near the industrial area of town.
A little section of nature that I had passed by countless times over the years. It wasn’t open to cycling, why would I ever pop in?
Because now I have kids!
When Things Don’t Go According To Plan

There were several great examples of unschooling here. We went to our local dam to check it out. What would they be interested I wondered; water levels? water pressure? lake/river transition? Height? Cement and steel? I figured I’d show it to them from the road up top, and then drive them down the road to see it from the bottom.
Thin Strip of Forest and a Lake in a City After the Rain

We had a great little adventure in a neat place we found on our way to pick up mom from work…so we go a little early and get some ‘great outdoors’. I didn’t think about bringing the bug spray as it has usually been pretty ‘annoying bug-free’ the times we went.
A Walking Stick For Climbing in the Forest?

The toddler must have seen walking sticks on youtube or something. During one of her hill climbs, she picked it up and started using it like it would help her 🙂
It’s funny, she knows not to throw sticks, to play with sticks, and to run with sticks.