First Slingshot Lesson – 10 and 12 year olds

We would come home hungry if we were hunters! Is 10 too young for a slingshot? I know as soon as I got mine as a 12yo, I wanted to break windows. Holy eff did I break a lot of windows – I could do it from far away! You can’t really blame me for […]
Welcome to Parks But No Bathrooms Season

Here in Ontario, parks (at least their bathrooms) are closed in the winter. And into the Spring. No matter if it’s hot for several weeks before the opening date, like it always is.
Remember how convenient that was anyways during diaper years?
You can’t beat this time of year for the park-things to kids ratio, but having some bathrooms around, well, that’s just handy!
Getting Around : We Now Convoy :D

Razor E90 Electric Scooter : Unicycle Stroller Speed Getting Around : We Now Convoy 😀 i can put heavier stuff up on the roof rack and still push it with one hand while filming with the other now that one of the kids pushes their own weight 🙂 walkie-talkie installed to handlebar so i can […]
Obstacles. Three Year Olds are Free. This One Should Be Paying!

What a great place for kids of all ages, even for the adults who bring them! Disclaimer: Most adults come prepared to sit and wait, and the cousins we brought came prepared to hate it, so did 🙂 )
The catchphrase I’ve been hearing lately is ‘soft play’. Let the kids go do whatever they want in the safety of their injury-free environment. I suggest hard play for every child.
I’m So Glad We Found Out About Skateparks! (for non-skateboarding kids)

We’ve been to three different skate parks in our city so far. (London, Ontario) There looks to be siz or seven that we will be sure to check out. (they call Victoria Park one, but meh…it’s mostly just some concrete blocks and broken glass)
The kids just get there and play. Scooters, little bikes, and just running…we’ll be back often. Whatever risks the kids are comfortable with (or are almost comfortable with) are right there. Have you heard about Parkour? (Where people jump from building to building and do crazy flips and things off of structures). Skateparks offer a great introduction to
Don’t Run Too Fast Down a Hill, Like I’ve Been Saying For Years

I figured he understood not going too fast down a hill, I’ve told him several times throughout the years (at hills) and always made sure to keep him going slow. (just in case)
Well, today just in case happened. He outran his own legs in a couple of strides and was out of control.
Unschooling : Where Unicycling Lessons Turn Into Ballet Experience

I don’t want to make their unicycle lessons feel like ‘lessons’. So we bring them out with us to places here and there and get a minute or two more of practice.
You may or may not be a unicyclist if you are reading this. If you are, you would notice how naturally he’s picking his unicycle off the ground and placing it under him. Learning to unicycle is often compared to dropping your unicycle 1000 times then you can ride it…that’s not entirely accurate, but it’s close!)
Instant Exercise with a Side of Science : Slacklining

Slacklining allows a person to quickly and consistently experience and work against a range of stresses and forces that our bodies are fighting against all the time…without the advantage of the ground’s stability! One of the reasons you don’t really pay attention to all these forces throughout your day is because the ground you are walking on or the chair you are sitting in is stable. The ground is pushing up on the chair with the same force you are pushing down on it…but on a slackline, what you are pushing down against is flexible. And wobbly.
Advantage Unschool : Skate Parks During School Hours

We didn’t even come here to run, we came to scooter. I had to ask them if they were ready to put their gear on and ride yet..before they tired themselves out!
During school hours, no one is there. Kids as young as brand new crawlers can have a blast here with so many slopes and angles and risk levels.
Preparing for unPreschool: Insects-Ed

Insects-Ed! Hahahha! Well anyways, kids love learning about the things they love. Kids love bugs. Unless they are taught not to 🙂
[video] Hill Climbing With Kettlebells

What a great addition to all the fun of hill climbs (and descents)…add kettlebells!
When the 6yo told me the weights weren’t heavy enough to make him tired, I first thought of getting him more weights. I didn’t think about
A Week of Unschool : Real-Life Obbies, Electric Razor Scooter, Fires, & Climbing

We came for the pool noodle slices. We stayed for the real-life Obby. I brought them closer to the shop’s window so they could guess what they were using for window decorations. Moments later I was informed that I was dying. (on account of the lava I was standing in)
The Dandelion Games

Earlier in the day, some lady asked me about the kids not being in school. She said homeschooling sounded like a good idea because of bullying. I told her bullying was just another point on a long list of why schools aren’t an ideal place for kids to be.