(UPDATE: Ha ha, I made a Back to the Future reference on Nov 5!)

We knew she was ‘officially pregnant’ when she cried her eyes out seeing little Anakin leaving his mom in the desert…again…seriously, we had seen this several times already…)

Star Wars has always been a big part of my life (well, only if you include making a Star Wars reference whenever possible and owning and wearing too often an adult sized Star Wars costume) but the kids hadn’t really shown too much interest…no more than any of the other things they are in to – from every comic book hero to anything that’s in a ‘Flying Bag’ (blind bag)…or anything that they have seen on youtube.

They haven’t seen any of the movies yet (other than Back to the Future, movies for older kids and adults (with all the talking and whatnot) kind of bore them. Even if it’s the new Spiderman. What has gotten them interested, like most other things, is Lego. Lego movies and the animation sequences from lego video games have introduced them more to ‘the universe’ that I thought possible without having ever seen the movies.

He hadn’t seen any Star Wars movies but was already playing with his lego ‘Seepeerio’

Any Star Wars fan could list off a million ways Star Wars knowledge can positively benefit the education process; I knew it would be a part of their schooling to at least some extent; from a better understanding of their own galaxy, and the unique socializing opportunities…but it wasn’t until taking their lightsabers outside in the dark when I realized how much physical fitness we could add into the day with a couple of lightsabers.

Maybe three or four….I’ve gone through some interesting ‘how to get the best lightsaber for dueling’ kinda searches lately! Several options it seems…Saber Forge, Kyberlight, Ultra Sabers… (seems they need proper light, noise, and the ability to smash each other….Kyberlight seems to have the upper hand so far….but dang, that’s some school supply funds!


Whether or not THEY like Star Wars or not, I’ve already liked it enough for all of us!

scout trooper unicycle stroller

meme life