Insects-Ed: More Free Education For The Kiddos
Insects-Ed! Hahahha! Well anyways, kids love learning about the things they love. Kids love bugs. Unless they are taught not to 🙂
#unschoolingIdeas #unPreSchool
Posted by Unschooldays on Thursday, August 23, 2018
Insects-Ed: Biology for Kiddos
Insects-Ed! hahahha! well anyway…Wondering if you are teacher enough to teach your kids? It's only the opposite of saying 'ewww, bugs!' 🙂
They are ready to start learning about bugs before they have even started talking! #unPreschool
The first question I ever got about homeschooling was 'how could you teach something like science??' 🙂
Posted by Unschooldays on Thursday, August 23, 2018
Kill it. Squish it. The opposite of preparing young children for their educational journey is saying ‘ewww, bugs!’ when they first encounter them.
What’s that bug doing? Where else in the world are they? What are their roles in their ecosystems? These three simple questions can be applied to any new bug (or animal) found, and really help kids to gain a stronger understanding of their planet and everything’s place in it from a very young age.
Your young kids are probably already playing with dinosaur toys and have gained an understanding of the time periods dinosaurs roamed the Earth. Dragonflies have been here since the Triassic time period. how?
Show them bugs, and they are going to ask questions. You probably don’t already know the answers. Perfect!