Little kids love (well, whatever you teach them to love, in this case, toys and instruments) toys and instruments. They also love the playing down by the river. (The nitrate-heavy, city-gross, unswimmable river) Dad loves to unicycle. Sounds like a plan!

My intention wasn’t to build a roof rack on top of the stroller solid enough to support a full hockey bag, but here we are 🙂 So we may as well fill it up! We were already bringing 12 sea creatures (counted and re-counted…something he ensures himself since the forgotten dunkleosteus in gramma’s pool incident). The toddler asked if she could bring the trumpet, and what instrument was I taking? And what what was her brother talking?
unicycle stroller in the woods
So we threw the toys, a saxophone, trumpet, and recorder (no volume limits outside on that one!), our strainer on a stick, plenty of water and a change of clothes for the wee-ones-by-the-water, and a few bucks for Timbits, and some camera stuff into the bag and headed out.

Another great example of multitasking? The time we play at the river will be a great rest period between my two 40 minute cardio, core, and a little bit of an upper body workouts!

I was only planning on taking pics from the surface, but when I remembered the gopro was waterproof with a super wide angle, perhaps the toys would look neat in an underwater video. I didn’t get the idea till the end as we were packing them up to go play music in the woods, but this video is yet another great example of unschooling with a camera. Our conversations of day turned into more conversations about camera frame rates (see how it’s slow motion?) field of view, overlay text and graphics onto video timelines, and more or less just another few minutes of putting new keywords and ideas into their heads. Watching me put things together in a video program, letting them scribble and change colours in photoshop…all sorts of things to familiarize them with software and how to use it and what can be made with it before they can work all that out on their own.

[srizonfbalbum id=7]