Here’s a nice little gem we found on our way to mom’s work, a lake surrounded by trees and a walking path, nestled in near the industrial area of town.

A little section of nature that I had passed by countless times over the years. It wasn’t open to cycling, why would I ever pop in?

Because now I have kids!

Wow, a forest and a lake…right there! Let’s go check it out! A great benefit to taking kids somewhere to show them something? 15-20 minutes is plenty!

We discovered damselflies. I had seen them all my life and always just referred to them as blue line bugs…wow, they’ve been here since the Triassic, and like dragonflies, they can’t walk…only fly and land, neat!

An adventure this quick? Let’s stop by the airport for another!

voodoo london

I said we were going to look at planes. Not a lot of them take off or land from here, but the area around the airport has lots of planes in various states of usability for us to check out…and talk about whatever comes up.

Rust and Groundhogs

They’ve seen planes flying, so seeing one take off or land would have been neat, but there’s tons of neat stuff all around us. I knew the starting point. I’ve always enjoyed seeing Voodoos…growing up on various military bases they were often mounted up on display. Even the one my dad told us he landed on that display stand…so we went to check out one they are refurbing.

I pointed out the gas truck and mentioned there were differences in car fuel and jet fuel. I didn’t know what the difference was but we could find out. They started asking about the rust on the plane, and all of a sudden there was a groundhog. Even better? He was a sentry, keeping an eye out from what it turns out, was a groundhog family who we got to see briefly before they ran into their tunnels.

I knew groundhog tunnel research was going to be fun to show them when we got home!
groundhogs at the airport

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