The thrill and excitement you hear from a five year old when he discovers his first snake out in the wild…a snake that dad had already walked past..
The puzzling look of a three year old standing on the trail beside her new discovery…one million maggots in a dead raccoon… (we discussed the various reasons that raccoon could have died, but on the five year old’s closer inspection, the smell of decay hit him pretty hard, so we called it a day.
Our plan was to go to ‘Big Hilly Climby’ and have a scooter ride through the forest – well, at least if I was making a lesson plan for the day, it would have only had those two bullet points.
Random Skills Development?
It was her first time going down Big Hilly Climby solo. Side stepping down the hill with a low centre of gravity really puts your uphill arm close to the ground for quick stability.
It was his first time getting to smash off dead tree branch ends in a ‘some tree branches only look safe for climbing’ lesson that took place where there was a marsh only a few months ago.
[srizonfbalbum id=19]