Obstacles. Three Year Olds are Free. This One Should Be Paying!

ctc obstacles in london ontario

What a great place for kids of all ages, even for the adults who bring them! Disclaimer: Most adults come prepared to sit and wait, and the cousins we brought came prepared to hate it, so did 🙂 )

The catchphrase I’ve been hearing lately is ‘soft play’. Let the kids go do whatever they want in the safety of their injury-free environment. I suggest hard play for every child.

Unschool Obstacles

Biggest Jump So Far

Do you know if your city has an indoor obstacle course or climbing-type place? I just happened to see a post in a facebook group…I would never have known about this little gem!

CTC Obstacles is in London, Ontario. An old warehouse turned climbing/swinging/playing facility!

Almost-Winter is Upon Us

DIY Snow Dance Floor

Well, the days of almost winter are upon us. Snowsuits one day, riding scooters the next. Wet mitts, wet boots, happy, tired kids. The days start dark. Dark enough for the 4yo to call it ‘night’ and stand her ground when being corrected.