Dam Fun. Dad & Son.

big wheel scooter for kids

Our second T-shirt day of the season – our first was a month or so ago. (Let’s get with Spring, ammiright?) The great part this time was the high winds. Strangely enough, he seemed to benefit from the wind BOTH ways! When does THAT happen? Sure we have adventures that are enjoyable for both kids, […]

Getting Around : We Now Convoy :D

unicycle stroller razor e90 electric scooter

Razor E90 Electric Scooter : Unicycle Stroller Speed Getting Around : We Now Convoy 😀 i can put heavier stuff up on the roof rack and still push it with one hand while filming with the other now that one of the kids pushes their own weight 🙂 walkie-talkie installed to handlebar so i can […]

I’m So Glad We Found Out About Skateparks! (for non-skateboarding kids)

medway skatepark bowl london ontario

We’ve been to three different skate parks in our city so far. (London, Ontario) There looks to be siz or seven that we will be sure to check out. (they call Victoria Park one, but meh…it’s mostly just some concrete blocks and broken glass)

The kids just get there and play. Scooters, little bikes, and just running…we’ll be back often. Whatever risks the kids are comfortable with (or are almost comfortable with) are right there. Have you heard about Parkour? (Where people jump from building to building and do crazy flips and things off of structures). Skateparks offer a great introduction to

Same Place, Different Discoveries


Our plan was to climb ‘Big Hilly Climby’ and go for a scooter ride through the forest – well, at least if I was making a lesson plan for the day, it would have only had those two bullet points.

Almost-Winter is Upon Us

DIY Snow Dance Floor

Well, the days of almost winter are upon us. Snowsuits one day, riding scooters the next. Wet mitts, wet boots, happy, tired kids. The days start dark. Dark enough for the 4yo to call it ‘night’ and stand her ground when being corrected.