Sweetwater : Our Trip to the Sugarbush

kinsmen fanshawe sugarbush

What a great time we had here, sorry if it’s too Canadian, eh?

I first thought, ‘well this will be neat for the kids’. I didn’t realize how interesting and fun it would be for them! A short informative tour showcasing modern-day sap collection with hoses and taps compared to the old fashioned way you may be more familiar with…buckets on a tree (I know that’s what I was picturing!)

It’s Been Super Cold. Out to the Snow Pile!

learn and play in the snow

Sometimes the time it takes you to get the kids dressed up and undressed is longer than the time you were outside playing.

Here are some great ways to maximize their enjoyment while being exposed to some pretty harsh conditions.

A Week of Unschool : Episode 3

unicycle lessons in london ontario

Another great week of learning! He learned how to more properly navigate a giant ice pile that used to be a snow pile. They even got to climb up and slide down it when it was a snow pile again.

We were on the DIY kick after our homemade playdoh, so we made up some homemade puffy paint. Just self-rising flour, salt, water, and food colour, but oh no, we didn’t have any self-rising flour. We had to find out if we could make some from our existing ingredients. You bet your baking powder we could!

Almost-Winter is Upon Us

DIY Snow Dance Floor

Well, the days of almost winter are upon us. Snowsuits one day, riding scooters the next. Wet mitts, wet boots, happy, tired kids. The days start dark. Dark enough for the 4yo to call it ‘night’ and stand her ground when being corrected.