To Fall or Not to Fall in the Fall, Y’all

Their First Real MUni Ride (Mountain Unicycling) She’s been on one of these trails before, but very briefly, noobily, and quite uninterested in finding another trail – her unicycle passion was the asphalt paths and empty strip mall parking lots, so that’s what we did instead, with me learning all sorts of new riding skills […]
Dam Fun. Dad & Son.

Our second T-shirt day of the season – our first was a month or so ago. (Let’s get with Spring, ammiright?) The great part this time was the high winds. Strangely enough, he seemed to benefit from the wind BOTH ways! When does THAT happen? Sure we have adventures that are enjoyable for both kids, […]
Getting Around : We Now Convoy :D

Razor E90 Electric Scooter : Unicycle Stroller Speed Getting Around : We Now Convoy 😀 i can put heavier stuff up on the roof rack and still push it with one hand while filming with the other now that one of the kids pushes their own weight 🙂 walkie-talkie installed to handlebar so i can […]
Unicycling : Getting Closer and Closer!

We had a ‘big’ dose of unicycle lessons recently. By big dose, I mean about 20 minutes of practice over a few days. It was a push to see if he could get it before he turned six. He’s not there yet, but it will only be a few more tries…he’ll get it next month for sure…if he wants to…I don’t actually care if he does or not…as long as he keeps practicing whenever…there’s so many other ways they are both being active, it’s low on everyone’s list.
Five Year Old’s Unicycle Progress Report : Leany. Having Fun.

When cardio is leaning on a wall for a few minutes
Better Than Travelling Around In A Rollercoaster? A Roof After Being On It.

When pushing your kid in a unicycle stroller is commonplace; even up & down 6 levels of a parking garage
This parking garage has a special place in our hearts. One of the landmarks we pass on our trips to grammas, it was one of the first examples I stumbled across of ‘introducing excitement’ to kids and how easy it is.
Wow! You know what that is??? A PARKING GARAGE!!
Week after week, looking for the parking garage, and staring at/studying it as we passed, it just became ‘our thing’.
When One Kid Is Done Exploring and One Isn’t

So clearly I couldn’t leave one kid on the bench on the bike path and continue on another adventure trail into the woods with the other one. So what’s a dad to do?
There’s a whole bunch of sticks to slow him down…send him into the woods (which you know look a whole lot bigger to him)
This was an exciting opportunity for me to just send him off to be alone on his own. (I could always hear him and could see him from time to time)
But if you look in the video, you can see
A Week of Unschool : Episode 3

Another great week of learning! He learned how to more properly navigate a giant ice pile that used to be a snow pile. They even got to climb up and slide down it when it was a snow pile again.
We were on the DIY kick after our homemade playdoh, so we made up some homemade puffy paint. Just self-rising flour, salt, water, and food colour, but oh no, we didn’t have any self-rising flour.
Unschooling : Where Unicycling Lessons Turn Into Ballet Experience

I don’t want to make their unicycle lessons feel like ‘lessons’. So we bring them out with us to places here and there and get a minute or two more of practice.
You may or may not be a unicyclist if you are reading this. If you are, you would notice how naturally he’s picking his unicycle off the ground and placing it under him. Learning to unicycle is often compared to dropping your unicycle 1000 times then you can ride it…that’s not entirely accurate, but it’s close!)
Unsocializing? Unicycling, For Example

Among the many unschooling and life benefits that come from unicycling is the socializing. (one of the other ones is that if you can physically walk and have access to a unicycle, you have all you need to be able to do it)
What’s the first thing people think about when trying to get your kids more socializing? Sports. Sign them up for soccer or baseball, right? Not necessarily!
Freemount Attempt: Toddler’s Continuing Unicycle Journey

Here is the first time she wanted to try it outside…She wanted to bring her unicycle and bubbles. (He brought a unicycle and a ball)
Initially, with him, I thought it would be great to see how young I could get him riding one. I quickly lost interest in that for a variety of reasons.
30 Seconds of Unicycling, 20 Minutes of Unschooling

So I ask the the five and almost three year old, ‘Anyone want to make a giant unicycle shadow video out in the dark?’
I told them it would not be dark enough for 20 minutes. I thought it was going to take me 10 minutes to get ready, but it took 20, with two live shadows on me the whole time…they were excited.
A Week of Unschool : Real-Life Obbies, Electric Razor Scooter, Fires, & Climbing

We came for the pool noodle slices. We stayed for the real-life Obby. I brought them closer to the shop’s window so they could guess what they were using for window decorations. Moments later I was informed that I was dying. (on account of the lava I was standing in)