Interacting With Adults: Metal Fabrication

Hey kiddos, would you rather go visit Farmer Tom in the morning when he’s working on metal, or in the afternoon when he’s working with wood?
The first thing he did when he picked up the grinder was to give the kids some helmets. And pointed them to behind a safety screen. He was already decked out in safety gear – which was great for the kids to see…he’s a very careful guy to watch!
Find Out What They Love : Do That. How They Love It.

What do you do with a toddler who loves the music time you have together, but you aren’t a music teacher and you only really have some plastic instruments and a banjo you only have because someone once asked you if you wanted a banjo or a ukelele?
Nuts, Bolts, Inventions, & Toddlers

Well look who learned ‘righty tighty lefty loosey’!
My advice for people who are about to buy ‘toy tools’ for their wee ones, let them use the actual tools! A socket wrench, baggie full of nuts & bolts, and things with holes in them will go a lot farther than a ‘plastic tool bench toy’
Surprise Spider Family

This was exciting a couple of times. At first, I showed them the dead wasp in the spider web. A whole ‘even the mighty wasp can get stuck in a tiny web’ kinda demonstration.
The five year old reached down to touch it, and a spider who we didn’t know was on it sprinted up the web way faster than any spider web travel I have seen.
Don’t Keep Your Kids Away From Things. Teach Them All You Can About Them

A month or two after my kid could reach the table, I kept my ‘fancy camera’ at the edge of it. Right next to all the computer stuff. All of which were, and still are, important to me.
All the photos and images on this site were taken with the cameras my kids could use anytime they wanted.
Sidewalk Chalk In Puddles

This one is pretty straightforward…if you put sidewalk chalk into puddles, it gets sciency pretty quick… Why stay inside during the rain? They don’t mind being that wet, and even colder, at the splashpad! It runs down all your sidewalk chalk faster than you’ve ever seen, but as soon as they start colouring, they experience […]
Lego and Movies; Dark Seid’s Friend, Maui

If the kids like a movie…and there are Lego sets from the movie…the next step, if it isn’t obvious, couldn’t be easier…get the Lego!
Frozen and Moana have been seen a bunch of times. I’m not sure play time could ever truly match up to watching time (especially based on my teaching philosophy…watch whatever videos you want for as long as you want, give or take…)
5yo Unschooler (and dino fan) Asks What a Quiz Is

He was watching some youtube video with his little sister and it was an alphabet video about animals. I asked him what they said for Q, and he didn’t know…I went back and found it. It was Quiz. He asked me what it was. I gave him a quick little answer and knew I would […]
Toddler #2 Gaining Prehistoric Interest :)

I didn’t know what she was talking about until I saw the video and I noticed little green individual styrofoam dots missing from the trees…and the white ones that were used to accent the waterfall 🙂
Teaching Your Kids Not To Throw Their Toys Unless It’s For Science

“Dad, can we make a video about a dino battle for kids? i bet they would like that.”
I knew he wanted to make a dino battle video because that’s what he was watching when he asked it.
Raising Monarch Butterflies

So it turns out we butterfly! Did you ever hear that as a verb before? Right now we have two little caterpillars (we can find out if they are male or female once they are butterflies) much smaller than a dime.
Preparing for unPreschool: Insects-Ed

Insects-Ed! Hahahha! Well anyways, kids love learning about the things they love. Kids love bugs. Unless they are taught not to 🙂
He broke the Lego structure. So did his sister. And mom. And Dad.

“Dad, I broke the lego structure…” The kids have been using this structure for quite a while now…it was previously the ground level of skyscraper that crumbled. He felt bad because
The Time For Greethology is Now. Get Kraken. Or…Whenever…It’s Unschool

When is the right time for them to learn about Greek Mythology? When they are interested in it. I made the six year old a Lego Pegasus because he’s interested in Greek Mythology. The four year old is starting to be interested in Greek Mythology because there’s a Lego Pegasus.
Chess With Internet Strangers

You can teach chess by being an opponent, or by being an Obi-wan Kenobi’s ghost voice. All of a sudden this is a way more fun way to teach chess (a move here and there instead of a physical probably-to-be-unfinished-game-at-a-time is a big plus…and the cleanup is a lot quicker, too)

Uno is a fun little card game for family to play together with easy to follow rules, and exciting (mostly for the kids) gameplay. It’s quite simple – you match either the
Unschool Experiment G2R

The six year old knew that already, it was new to the four year old. I was holding a handful of grapes, one a little more wrinkled than the others and other than being brushed off as ‘disgusting’ I offered up an experiment idea.
A Week of Unschool : Real-Life Obbies, Electric Razor Scooter, Fires, & Climbing

We came for the pool noodle slices. We stayed for the real-life Obby. I brought them closer to the shop’s window so they could guess what they were using for window decorations. Moments later I was informed that I was dying. (on account of the lava I was standing in)
The Greatest Free, Screen-Free, Ad-Free Homeschool Brain Game!

When you are running errands, when your kids are sitting in the backseat of the car, when you are sitting on the bus, while you are riding bikes, or when you just seem to have nothing to talk about at the time. Try this fantastic silence-breaking brain-builder! When they know their letters, or even before!
Fun Tracing Play: Oops, I Mean Schoolwork

Learning to read and write: When your four year old says, ‘Dad, can you make me another tracing picture?’ you know it was well worth the ten minutes to set it up the first time!