Another great week of education and excitement!
The five year old beat Mortal Kombat Armageddon on the Wii. Leading up to this, and since this happened, there have been several dad-son ‘real life’ battles. (as well as hours and hours of origin story videos and reading) They mostly end with me getting to his tickle spot (ribcage) but one, in particular, ended much differently. An accidental headbutt and a bloody lip on dad. He officially Finished me! His little sister is also getting on board. She threw a frisbee at me outside. She said it wasn’t a frisbee, but Kung Lao’s hat! (I haven’t caught on video the super cute way she mimics Scorpion’s ‘GET OVER HERE!’)
The thought of violent video games ‘causing violence’ seems more comical to me every time he sees or does ‘something violent’ in his games, or videos of his games…man he watches a lot of youtube of people playing it. Most of the videos are of the most recent Mortal Kombat game called Mortal Kombat X. This one also features some horror classics like Jason, Freddy, Predator, Leatherface, and the Xenomorph from Alien.
He knows he’s not allowed to watch those movies yet (but it’s because of the sex, not the violence) so we were able to quench his interest by checking out music videos and movie trailers for those movies to answer a little more of his ‘who are these guys?’ questions.
That led us to painting his spiderman mask white and taking pics in front of the green screen. His little sister also wanted to join in with HER costume. (Knitted winter stuff from somewhere) It’s her christmas costume.

We took out the big wheel scooter…this thing is great for traveling distances (in this case, the last 2.5kms to gramma’s!)
He’s learning to control his braking, but he still needs some more ‘disaster avoidance’ experience before getting the one with an electric motor. I look forward to him being able to use a handbrake as the footbrake on this one (designed for 8+) is quite far back for him to really control while still holding the handles.
Exploring Green Screens Further
A refresher for the kids about how fake movies are. We played a whole lot of greenscreen, but having two kids running around doing it was wreaking havoc on the lights and shadows, it was almost too exciting to do it one kid at a time. It also worked as a further exploration into Adobe software like Premiere and After Effects.
And I Also Brought the Three Year Old to the Bottom of the Pool
Her swimming time was quite limited due to getting cold a lot faster than the rest of us. This great little neoprene suit help keeps her warm by keeping a thin layer of water between her suit and skin for her body to warm up. The tiny air pockets in the neoprene also provide some insulation and a great side benefit of bouyancy. (Not the bouyancy of a full wetsuit, but a great transition away from her floaties she will never wear again!