We’ve passed this farm many times when we pass through Orillia on our way up North. The car seats for the kids when they were younger put them at an angle where they couldn’t see the animals, so we never really mentioned it.

This time we were going past and it was closed. Later we found out it was due to rain – the llamas and alpacas aren’t too happy or friendly with big heavy wet fur.

It would have been great for the kids to go in and get a tour of what they do there…but also there was a sideroad that we could pull over on and let the kids out. They were pretty impressed!!

LLamas, goats, alpacas, donkeys, reindeer, sheep, pigs, horses… There’s also GIANT DANDELIONS on that side road!

Don’t try to shave 15 minutes off your trip. Pull over and check something out. Anything.

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