Better Than Travelling Around In A Rollercoaster? A Roof After Being On It.

unicycle stroller down a parking garage

When pushing your kid in a unicycle stroller is commonplace; even up & down 6 levels of a parking garage

This parking garage has a special place in our hearts. One of the landmarks we pass on our trips to grammas, it was one of the first examples I stumbled across of ‘introducing excitement’ to kids and how easy it is.

Wow! You know what that is??? A PARKING GARAGE!!

Week after week, looking for the parking garage, and staring at/studying it as we passed, it just became ‘our thing’.

When One Kid Is Done Exploring and One Isn’t

alone in the woods

So clearly I couldn’t leave one kid on the bench on the bike path and continue on another adventure trail into the woods with the other one. So what’s a dad to do?

There’s a whole bunch of sticks to slow him down…send him into the woods (which you know look a whole lot bigger to him)

This was an exciting opportunity for me to just send him off to be alone on his own. (I could always hear him and could see him from time to time)

But if you look in the video, you can see

Are the deer still there in the winter? I don’t know. Let’s go see!

winter deer

She asked me, ‘do you think the deer are still there in the winter? I figured they probably were but didn’t know for sure. There was only one thing to do. Well, two things. Get the camera, and go to the graveyard. It was a beautiful winter day and we didn’t even need coats for […]