Teachers Don’t Need Training. They Can Even Be Five.

“What I like the most about playing dino doctor is teaching her the dino names like you taught me ” – Aidan, 5
I wondered, very briefly, when we had our second kid, isn’t it going to be a lot harder trying to manage two kids learning at different ‘grade levels’? That was quickly replaced with, ‘well, I guess she’ll have two teachers, and he’ll be a teacher of things he learns.’
Multitasking: Taking Toys & Things Outside

Little kids love (well, whatever you teach them to love, in this case, toys and instruments) toys and instruments. They also love the playing down by the river. (The nitrate-heavy, city-gross, unswimmable river) Dad loves to unicycle. Sounds like a plan!
Five Year Old Explains What a Fossil Is

He’s been watching a lot of youtube videos. He noticed that they always ask to subscribe to their channels and asking the kids to comment. It’s pretty funny watching it in real life!
What we are doing though, it building ‘speaking in front of camera comfort’ which will translate easily to ‘speaking in front of people’ comfort.
Don’t Keep Your Kids Away From Things. Teach Them All You Can About Them

A month or two after my kid could reach the table, I kept my ‘fancy camera’ at the edge of it. Right next to all the computer stuff. All of which were, and still are, important to me.
All the photos and images on this site were taken with the cameras my kids could use anytime they wanted.
Teaching Your Kids Not To Throw Their Toys Unless It’s For Science

“Dad, can we make a video about a dino battle for kids? i bet they would like that.”
I knew he wanted to make a dino battle video because that’s what he was watching when he asked it.
Toddler #2 Gaining Prehistoric Interest :)

I didn’t know what she was talking about until I saw the video and I noticed little green individual styrofoam dots missing from the trees…and the white ones that were used to accent the waterfall 🙂
Fidget Spinner For Unschoolers

Fidget Spinners, huh?
This is our unschool version. It’s like a fidget spinner and an old fashioned sit-n-spin (remember those?).