Nuts, Bolts, Inventions, & Toddlers
Well look who learned ‘righty tighty lefty loosey’!
My advice for people who are about to buy ‘toy tools’ for their wee ones, let them use the actual tools! A socket wrench, baggie full of nuts & bolts, and things with holes in them will go a lot farther than a ‘plastic tool bench toy’
Interacting With Adults: Metal Fabrication
Hey kiddos, would you rather go visit Farmer Tom in the morning when he’s working on metal, or in the afternoon when he’s working with wood?
The first thing he did when he picked up the grinder was to give the kids some helmets. And pointed them to behind a safety screen. He was already decked out in safety gear – which was great for the kids to see…he’s a very careful guy to watch!
First Time Randomly Bumping Into Unschoolers – Six Hours Away
Turns out the hens that came in through the treeline also lived with some unschoolers! We showed them about slacklines, they showed us turkeys!
Interesting fact about city kids: They’ll pick up an axe if they see one and you’ve never said ‘don’t pick up an axe’!